
Plastic Toothbrushes Inspire a Website

The inspiration for doing this site actually came from a short talk I gave on how plastics all end up in landfill or the ocean or the environment generally, no matter how much we think we’re recycling. The text of that talk is below this post.

But the image above is part of what inspired that talk. It’s a collection of old plastic toothbrushes that I’ve kept because they make great cleaning brushes for the grout between tiles, tiny places too small for larger brushes, etc. The part of me that likes to not throw anything away that has a useful life is pleased with this re-using. But the collection itself is a constant reminder of how little plastic items add up to a lot of plastic over time.

Now I buy toothbrushes made from bamboo, so that collection may eventually dwindle to nothing. But the toothbrushes… well, you know. You are here because you care too. Plastic has a very long and environment-damaging life-span.

You’ll see a variety of plastic-free toothbrushes you can buy on this site. I’ve chosen them because they claim to be plastic-free and certainly the packaging and the handles are plastic-free. I’ve seen articles suggesting it’s often the case, even with toothbrushes marketed as being plastic-free, that the bristles may still contain at least some plastic. I figure less plastic is better than more plastic, though, so I encourage you to try them out if you haven’t already.

You can do the burn test to find out (put a match to it—if it melts, it’s some kind of plastic).

Here are a couple of articles on plastic-free toothbrushes for those interested in more details:

For now, thanks for coming to this site and I hope you will find it inspiring, if not also convenient to do your plastic-free shopping here.

Author: Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe

Hi, I'm Rohesia and I'm just like you—I'm concerned about the degradation of the environment and I'm trying to live without buying any more plastic.